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Zambrano-González Luis, S.N. Handel, T. Fernandez, I. Brostella, November 8, 2021. Landscape spatial patterns in Mexico City and New York City: contrasting territories for biodiversity planning
María Fernanda Mac Gregor-Gaona a, Marisol Angl ́es-Hernandez ,Louise Guibrunet ,Luis Zambrano-González , September 3, 2021. Assessing climate change risk: An index proposal for Mexico City
Manuel Bonilla-Rodríguez, Denise Arroyo-Lambaer, Alicia Castillo,Luis Zambrano and Zenón Cano-Santana, August 24,2021. Urban Ecological Restoration: Setting Priorities for Restoring Native Vegetation in Lava Field Remnants in Mexico City
Alenjandra G. Ramos, Horacio Mena- González, Zambrano Luis. April 30, 2021 El potencial de los refugios temporales para aumentar la supervivencia del ajolote mexicano en peligro de extinción. Aquatic Conservation
Kathryn M. Eversona, Levi N. Graya, Angela G. Jonesa, Nicolette M. Lawrencea
, Mary E. Foleya,Kelly L. Sovacoola,b, Justin D. Kratovila,c, Scott Hotalinga,d, Paul M. Himea,e, Andrew Storferd,Gabriela Parra-Oleaf, Ruth Percino-Danielg, X. Aguilar-Miguelh, Eric M. O’Neilla, Luis Zambrano, H. Bradley Shafferi and David W. Weisrocka, March 18,2021.
Zambrano Luis, Miguel Ignacio Rivas, Carlos Uriel-Sumano, Ruben Rojas-Villaseñor, Maya Rubio, Horacio Mena, Diana Laura Vázquez-Mendoza and Armando Tovar-Garza. 2020. Adapting Wetland Restoration Practices in Urban Areas: Perspectives from Xochimilco in Mexico City. Ecological Restoration Vol. 38, No. 2.
Coronel-Arellano, H., Rocha-Ortega, M., Gual-Sill, F. et al. 2020.Raining feral cats and dogs? Implications for the conservation of medium-sized wild mammals in an urban protected area. Urban Ecosystems.
Mendoza-Cruz Eva, Norma Moreno-Mendoza, Luis Zambrano-González Tania Janeth Porras-Gómez, Maricela Villagrán-SantaCruz. 2020. Dimorphic protein expression for Sox9 and Foxl2 genes in the testicles and ovaries of the urodele amphibian: Ambystoma mexicanum. Acta Zoologica.
Rubio Maya, Fernanda Figueroa, Luis Zambrano. 2020. Dissonant Views of Socioecological Problems: Local Perspectives and Conservation Policies in Xochimilco, Mexico. Conservation and Society 18(3): 207-219pp.
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